FactCheck: 3MTT Laptop Grant 2024 Link Circulating is Fake!

BY: Mustapha Lawal
A link circulating on social media offers Nigerians the opportunity to apply for the 3MTT Laptop Grant 2024.
False. The application link circulating is fraudulent and does not originate from the 3MTT organization. The organizers of the program have debunked the claim.
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A message claiming that the 3MTT organization is offering free laptops to Nigerians as part of a “3MTT Laptop Grant 2024” has been circulating widely across various social media platforms. The application link provided directs users to fill out personal information for an alleged chance to receive a laptop.
This claim has been amplified through platforms such as Nairaland and other blogs. Some reputable platforms, like MSME Africa, initially published articles about the grant but have since taken them down. However, the misinformation persists on other platforms and social media channels, misleading many Nigerians.
To verify this claim, FactCheckAfrica investigated the source of the application and the veracity of the claims.
3MTT, a platform widely known for its MSME-focused initiatives, responded to the rumours through an official LinkedIn post, stating that the purported 3MTT Laptop Grant is false and not authorized by the organization. The official statement clarified that 3MTT is not currently running any laptop grant program and warned the public against engaging with fraudulent links.
The false application link directs unsuspecting individuals to provide sensitive information under the guise of applying for the grant. This tactic is commonly used by fraudsters to harvest personal data or deceive individuals into further scams.
The claim that 3MTT is offering a free laptop grant through the widely circulated application link is false. The link and related posts are part of a fraudulent scheme aimed at misleading the public. FactCheckAfrica urges Nigerians to rely on verified information from official sources and to report suspicious links to appropriate authorities.