Beware of ‘Daily Excessive’ News Website Spreading Fake News

BY: Ajibola Osungbohun
In an era where digital media significantly influences public opinion, the rise of misinformation and disinformation has become a pressing concern globally. Investigation by FactCheckAfrica on Daily Excessive, an online news platform shows that the page has consistently published misleading and false information across its platform and social media pages.
Daily Excessive, a self-described news platform providing “Nigeria news information about something that just happened or will about to,” has been identified as a source of misinformation and disinformation.
The platform operates a Facebook page with over 13,000 followers and 13,000 likes, amplifying its reach.
However, a detailed review of Daily Excessive’s recent posts reveals a troubling pattern. The platform frequently shares unverified and misleading content, often packaged with sensational headlines and distorted facts. These tactics are designed to attract attention, generate high traffic, and engage readers through emotional triggers without providing factual accuracy.
Verification and Evidence of Misinformation
Research by FactCheckAfrica shows that there have been several articles on Daily Excessive feature exaggerated or fabricated headlines that do not align with the actual content, aimed at attracting clicks and spreading false narratives. Here, here, here, here, here, here to mention but few.
Also, the platform frequently publishes stories without citing credible sources or providing verifiable evidence to support its claims. here, here, here and a lot more on the website.
Furthermore, our investigation revealed that the website link when subjected to a tool called backlinkwatch showed that fact-checking organisations have flagged some of its widely shared posts as false or misleading, contributing to the spread of misinformation online. Here and here.
Implications of Spreading Misinformation
The consistent spread of misinformation by platforms like Daily Excessive has severe implications for society. It undermines public trust in legitimate media outlets, fuels false narratives, and can lead to harmful consequences, especially during sensitive times such as elections, public health crises, or social movements. Misinformation can incite panic, promote divisive ideologies, and hinder informed decision-making among citizens.
Moreover, in a country like Nigeria, where digital literacy levels vary, many individuals may struggle to differentiate between credible news and misleading content. This makes the audience even more vulnerable to manipulation by platforms that prioritize engagement over accuracy.
Finally we advised to exercise caution when engaging with content from Daily Excessive and similar online platforms. Verifying information from credible sources before sharing is crucial in curbing the spread of misinformation.